What we do
We put structure around wicked problems, and help you turn the inchoate unknown into manageable risk.
Those in charge of any kind of organisation, programme or business unit, need to have their own visions of a ‘required future state’: that is, where or what the business needs to be in an appropriate time frame.
We help you gain situational awareness with respect to a range of plausible futures through horizon scanning and scenario analysis;
We help you understand how these futures project onto realistic frameworks and identify required operational capabilities;

We help you analyse likely consequences of these futures on their work and consider options for change; and
We distil for you an inventory of sharp adjustments and useful action points

We help you gain situational awareness with respect to a range of plausible futures through horizon scanning and scenario analysis;
We help you understand how these futures project onto realistic frameworks and identify required operational capabilities;
We help you analyse likely consequences of these futures on their work and consider options for change; and
We distil for you an inventory of sharp adjustments and useful action points
We help refine this clarity of vision through careful calibrations and interactions. As expert navigators, we understand the power of the gales which can smash carefully-made plans. We create opportunities to truly shape your course, rather than being tossed by the chaotic power of the sea.
Accepting invitations to go on a journey with our clients means we are their counsellors, and not their subordinates: We can guide and coach without being beholden. With symbiotic collaboration, we are better equipped to understand and manoeuvre through the disrupted realities ahead.
To prepare for constantly evolving futures, we inoculate clients from the strategic shocks that come with uncertainty and the discontinuous storms of future history.
Strategy is not a document
We need to navigate towards the future that will emerge, not the future we assume. Here’s some reading material to kickstart conversations with us about being devil’s advocate partners.
‘When do we start?’: Timing the post-Covid Restoration |
Auditable Scenario Analysis for climate-related financial disclosures |
The Near Future of Corporate Law |
The Creative Renaissance of Education |
The Practical Future of Work |